Tuesday, December 28, 2010

smiley & sunny

I planted a whole heap of sunflowers a few months ago but unfortunately only one sprouted, to be honest I think the seeds were a little old, I found them in amongst some other seeds that had been stashed away in a tin, but the one I did get was beautiful, it is always happy & smiling at me whenever I look at it, next year I am going to plant lots & hopefully they will all be a success.

This is a beautiful orange Lilly, Carolyn, my pottery teacher gave me about 5 plants from her garden & we planted them in the spring & now they have flowered, she will be pleased!!

This is my latest side of the road find, a fabulous butchers block, it was already that colour, I absolutely love it, it has pride of place in my kitchen, I have put various bowls on there (some I have made in pottery) to store all my eggs & veggie's!!
Its amazing what people chuck out, its true what they say one mans trash is another's treasure.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely sunflower! So bright and cheerful! The lily too, such a vibrant colour. Love the butcher's block! I've been lucky with people's cast offs too; will blog some of the funky things I have found. x
