Thursday, March 24, 2011

Clay platter

This is my latest creation from my pottery class, some times I'm brimming with inspiration & other days I just sit there fiddling with the clay just making hearts & buttons but I enjoy it all, there's a good bunch of us there & its very relaxed & its great to sit & have a cuppa & bickies, Carolyn "the teacher" is lovely & doesn't like it constructed & neither do we, so it works...


  1. Lovely! So delicate, it looks like a leaf to a tropical plant. It's pretty on the underside too!
    You clever thing! Glad parcel arrived safely. Yes, lets skype at w'end. Have a concert Sat night so will call when I get home x

  2. Hey Luv Im finally able to add you n comment I just love ur platter n miss u all so much!keep em comin Luv xox...
